Insight AI Systems - Service Level Agreement

Effective Date: Feb 2024


Your AI Presentation Assistant and or AI Conversational Assistant run on servers both within and outside our control.  Below is our Service Level Agreement.



Company Information

Insight AI Systems

Unit 2/1 Doric Way, Islington, 

Christchurch 8042, 

New Zealand 


Service Level Agreement (SLA)  

Insight AI Systems Limited  


1. Introduction  

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the standards and expectations for the provision of services related to SaaS model chatbots and Presentation AI products offered by Insight AI Systems Limited.


2. Service Scope  

Insight AI Systems Limited provides the following services:

– Development and deployment of SaaS model chatbots.

– Provision of Presentation AI products.

– Ongoing support and maintenance for these products.


3. Service Availability  

– Availability: Our services are available 24/7, excluding scheduled maintenance.

– Support Hours: Customer support is available Monday to Sunday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM (local time in your region), excluding public holidays.


4. Response Times  

– Critical Issues: Response within 1 hour; resolution within 4 hours.

– High Priority Issues: Response within 4 hours; resolution within 1 business day.

– Medium Priority Issues: Response within 1 business day; resolution within 3 business days.

– Low Priority Issues: Response within 2 business days; resolution within 5 business days.


5. Maintenance  

– Scheduled Maintenance: Notice of at least 48 hours will be provided for any planned maintenance. Maintenance will be performed outside of peak hours to minimize disruption.

– Emergency Maintenance: Immediate action may be taken for critical issues, with as much notice as possible.


6. Performance Metrics  

– Uptime Guarantee: 99.5% uptime for our SaaS model chatbots and Presentation AI products.

– Incident Resolution Time: Adherence to the response and resolution times as outlined in section 4.


7. Customer Responsibilities  

– Provide accurate and timely information regarding issues.

– Ensure their own hardware and software meet the minimum requirements for our services.


8. Escalation Procedures  

– For unresolved issues, contact our support manager directly at  

9. Amendments  

– This SLA may be amended with mutual agreement between Insight AI Systems Limited and the customer. Changes will be communicated in writing.


10. Termination  

– Either party may terminate this SLA with 30 days written notice, subject to any contractual obligations and outstanding payments.


11. Contact Information  

– Support Email: